Thursday, June 16, 2011

Snatch Wave Workout

Another quick and effective workout. All kettlebell snatches this time. I used one snatch test size bell (16k), one below (12k), and one above (20k).  I would recommend using something you're comfortable with for the "snatch test size bell" and then one above and below.  This is what I did:

Snatch Wave
12k - 10R, 10L
16k - 10R, 10L
20k - 10R, 10L
16k - 10R, 10L
12k - 10R, 10L
16k - 10R, 10L
20k - 10R, 10L
16k - 10R, 10L
12k - 10R, 10L
16k - 10R, 10L
for 200 total snatches

Then take your lightest bell and perform a 5 minute snatch test with that.  I got 110 in 5 minutes.

Between the different sized snatches in the Snatch Wave section, rest as much as you feel like you need to. I wasn't in a huge rush. The 200 snatches took me about 18min. It was fun to groove with the 12k and 16k and then really focus with the 20k- something I don't often snatch.  

Let me know how it goes for you!

ps- I have been doing my TGU's and they're getting better! I don't LOVE them yet, but I'm building a better appreciation for what they do for my body.  The day after that first TGU workout I posted, my arms felt like noodles. Very strong and capable noodles, but noodles just the same. I like that =)  

How are you doing with your TGUs?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Watch Steff.  She is about as bad-a$# as you can get.
Busy mother of three beautiful girls, all under the age of 9.
Doesn't necessarily have time for exercise. She makes time. With kettlebells, it's easy.

Steff weighs about 115lbs.
Seen here swinging an 80lb kettlebell. That's 70% of her body weight.
It's the biggest one I had at the time.  She swings it like its a 12k.

She'll tell you, she wasn't a huge fan of working out and used to dread it (used every excuse in the book!). But with kettlebells, she gets to the workout because she knows it's quick and effective.  She's not wasting time with long cardio classes or elliptical sessions.  She gets herself to the gym (sometimes on a unicycle, but that's another blog post), gets her training in, and then she's out in less than an hour to get on with her day! She trains with kettlebells 3 times per week and walks another 2-4 days with her dog (but that's more for Puppy Rose).