Friday, October 30, 2009

My Workout

I'm not one for talking about my own workouts. Usually, I just try to wipe myself out with a combination of kettlebells, body weight exercises, and as little rest as possible. But, the trap I think we all fall into is doing the exercises we like. You probably think I'm nuts, but I LIKE squats, lunges, pushups, and pullups. My clients reading this are saying, "uh, yeah, we know that!".
So, to force myself to change things up, I've been going to the blog sites of some of my kettlebell buddies to check out what workouts they're doing. I'll take bits and pieces from their training and come up with my own form of torture.

Wednesday looked a little something like this:

5 minute jump-rope warmup
5 yoga up/down dogs
2 TGU each side w/12k (to remind my joints where they SHOULD be)

Squat Ladder 10,9,8,7,6 w/12k & 5,4,3,2,1 w/16k w/10 swings between each squat set (NO rest)

3 sets of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
3 pistols each leg w/12k
30 sec rest between sets

3 sets of:
1 double swing
1 double clean
1 double press
1 double squat
5 x thru with 12k
30 sec rest between sets

3 sets of:
5 double snatches w/12k
30 sec rest between sets
cooldown with 5 yoga up/down dogs, other stretching

Kind of random workout, but it felt good. Never tried double snatches- SUPER FUN! I know, I still did squats, pushups, and pullups, BUT I also did TGUs (turkish get-ups), and double kb exercises.

My goals:
Complete the Femme Fatale Challenge- press 24k, pullup w/24k, pistol w/24k
Work on the TGU every day! Do TGU with 24k on each side.
I'll check back in January and tell you how I'm progressing!

Happy Training!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beach Workout

Just had another great Beach Workout. With a name like that, how could it be bad? Wake up, head to the beach, swing some kettlebells around... What a great way to start a Wednesday.
This morning, after the warmup, we started with swings and squats- the usual gear-up to the workout ahead- really stretch into the squats and focus on form with a lighter than usual kettlebell. We followed that with some one-arm swings and squats combined with pushups, and so on. The gang was dragging a little, so I tried to keep it simple. Focus on form and keep the heart-rates up without doing anything too technical. We finished with a great 10-minute cooldown and active stretch which I think everyone was thankful for. Great job this morning, my loyal kettlebellers!
So, I get back from the workout and am looking through pictures from when Evan ( came down to the beach workout a couple of weeks ago. I figured out how to post them (kind of a no-brainer, but remember: I'm new to blogging!). The one above is me torturing my victims and then next one is to show that we are still able to laugh- we have fun down there too!